Would any of you have any idea how to stop Bitwig from constantly scanning for Lifeline Console? I recently installed - then uninstalled - this plugin. Every time I open Bitwig I now see the following : The plugin is definitely uninstalled, I've checked the VST3 folder in Windows (On Win 10 x64 btw). I've also uninstalled and reinstalled Bitwig along with deleting everything in the C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Bitwig Studio folder with the exception of the .activation-11 file and the installed_packages folder.
It's driving me nuts! Next step Bitwig Support...
Would any of you have any idea how to stop Bitwig from constantly scanning for Lifeline Console? I recently installed - then uninstalled - this plugin. Every time I open Bitwig I now see the following : The plugin is definitely uninstalled, I've checked the VST3 folder in Windows (On Win 10 x64 btw). I've also uninstalled and reinstalled Bitwig along with deleting everything in the C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Bitwig Studio folder with the exception of the .activation-11 file and the installed_packages folder.
It's driving me nuts! Next step Bitwig Support...
Statistics: Posted by Shifrin — Wed Oct 30, 2024 9:07 am — Replies 1 — Views 21