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Hardware (Instruments and Effects) • Focusrite Forte, anyone?

I have a Focusrite Forte interface (not my only one), which I use in my recording 'booth' mainly for voice-over work, but also sometimes for recording guitars.

Admittedly it's pretty old and Focusrite have long abandoned it in terms of driver updates. That said, for basic recording it works fine -- the ASIO driver is OK.

However... I just made a shocking discovery!!

A client wants to do a zoom read-through for an audiobook I'm soon to be recording.

Well... after much fiddling about, I have come to the conclusion that the WDM drivers for the forte are incapable of duplex operation. I have the correct (and only) driver package installed, but basically, I can either get zoom to recognize my audio input from my mic OR to recognize and play back windows sound (i.e. the other party speaking) .... NOT BOTH!

It's not just a zoom thing... I have the same issue with any bowser-based audio/video conferencing 'apps' such as google meet or source-elements Nexus

It's not anything wrong with my system/OS. I've tried it on multiple other systems.. same problem.

I've substituted one of my other interfaces, and that works fine... so pretty sure it's the Forte.

this is a long shot... but if anyone else uses a Focusrite Forte (I know, I know... I think they only sold about 10 of them)... did you notice this issue??

are there any known work-arounds?

The only solution I figured out was to route the mic input back out the windows sound driver using Voicemeeter -- it works, but it's pretty much unusable because of the latency, and I can't NOT have my mic channel being software-monitored otherwise it wouldn't work at all.

I guess I'll be using my other interface for the zoom session, but this really bugs me. I'd like to get into more 'live-directed sessions'... but if so I'd be switching interfaces all the the time... or just get rid of the focusrite, which -- apart from this little bugbear, actually does its job very well.

Statistics: Posted by AudioBabble — Fri Nov 01, 2024 1:21 am — Replies 0 — Views 47

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